Cindy Stormer
About Cindy
Cindy has the depth of experience and breadth of knowledge to be smart about crime and the justice system. She can deal logically, ethically, and efficiently with mentally vulnerable and those with addictive tendencies.
Her background ranges from serving in the police department to being an elected District Attorney. She’s a professor of Government and previously taught legal assisting, criminal justice, and more. Her knowledge is so in-depth that she’s written books providing practical tools for legal firms, and one on fixing the criminal justice system. She’s often called on to present before professional groups and contribute to professional journals.
Her expertise includes criminal law, labor/employment issues, appeals, mental health, correcting wrongful convictions, DNA, and more. Read more about Cindy…
Some of Cindy's Credentials
- Former Assistant District Attorney – Dallas – 2008 to 2015.
- Former Super Chief, Chief of the Administrative Division supervising eleven attorneys.
- Former Chief of the Mental Health Division.
- Former DNA/Conviction Integrity Attorney for Dallas County’s internationally famous Conviction Integrity Unit.
- Former Elected District Attorney, 235th Judicial District, Cooke County Texas.
- Attorney in Private Practice, Gainesville, Texas.
- Assistant City Attorney – Dallas – Chief Attorney for the Dallas Police Department, Assistant City Attorney and Executive Officer in the Dallas Police Department, Dallas, Texas 1989 – 1990.
- Assistant District Attorney, Tarrant County, 1986 – 1989.
- College Instructor, North Central Texas College.
- College Professor, Tarrant County College.