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DWI Attorney in Denton County

(Arrested for a DWI offense? it is natural to feel ashamed, alone, deeply disappointed in yourself and even angry. It is also natural when falsely accused to feel deep resentment, bitterness towards the police and rage over feelings of disrespect. If you get down on yourself please know that there will always be an end to this saga. “Drink. Drive Go to Jail.” is NOT the law. “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” is NOT the law. Know that many good people have been where you are. If you are looking for an experienced DWI attorney near you, know that Mimi Coffey handles most of Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and surrounding areas. Most attorneys do not review your evidence with you. Mimi Coffey will go over all of your evidence with you in an in-depth case evaluation and come up with a game plan, so she can get you the best possible outcome. DON’T WAIT! Please call us at 817-831-3100 or request a FREE DWI consultation to schedule an appointment to speak to one of our Top Rated DWI Attorneys near you.)

Our #1 Goal is No Criminal Record & No DWI Probation


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The Negatives of Denton County Criminal Cases

1. All felony court appearances are mandatory, for example.

2. Hearings may be required for early interlock removal and occupational drivers licenses (ODLs), both of which are important for DWI and license suspension cases.

3. Discovery is still paper heavy, instead of using more modern electronic discovery (e-discovery) practices. Physical discovery is still prominent. For example, one must drop off zip drives for video production (as opposed to simple downloads).

There are many newly elected judges in Denton County. This means that much is unpredictable, until patterns and knowledge of how each judge operates is established. However, the bar in Denton County is very friendly, helpful and accommodating.

If you are looking for a Denton County lawyer to defend you on a DWI or other criminal charge in Denton County, please contact The Coffey Firm — DWI Defense Attorneys in Denton County.

The punishment range for a DWI in North Texas

1st DWI: Class B Misdemeanor, 3 – 180 Days, up to $2,000 fine
2nd DWI: Class A Misdemeanor, 30 Days – 1 Year, up to $4,000 fine
3rd DWI: 3rd Degree Felony, 2 – 10 Years, up to $10,000 fine
DWI w/Child Under 15: State Jail Felony, 6 Months – 2 Years, up to $10,000 fine
** If you get charged with a DWI with a B.A.C. of over .15 you will automatically be charged with a Class A Misdemeanor**

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