Geoffrey Reynolds
About Geoff
Geoffrey has lived in the DFW area since birth, minus three years spent attending Texas Tech School of Law in Lubbock. He graduated magna cum laude and earned an English degree from the University of Texas at Arlington in 2014. He also received certification to teach English Language Arts and Reading for grades 7 – 12.
Geoff is a HUGE basketball fan and has devotedly followed the Dallas Mavericks for many years (even the years where the team was downright awful). He always likes to pick one or two teams he thinks will be “dark horses” and loves to which teams might be good in the future. He also loves to follow NCAA basketball, especially for his almae matres, UTA and Texas Tech. Geoff values teamwork above individual performances, which translates into his approach to the law.
Some of Geoff's Credentials
Geoff handles matters related to driver’s license, such as ALR hearings, ODL petitions/hearings, and dealing with Texas DPS. He also handles a good deal of legal research, which is helpful for finding holes in the prosecution’s claims. He also works on nondisclosures and expunctions.