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DWI Attorneys in Tarrant County, TX

(Arrested for a DWI offense? it is natural to feel ashamed, alone, deeply disappointed in yourself and even angry. It is also natural when falsely accused to feel deep resentment, bitterness towards the police and rage over feelings of disrespect. If you get down on yourself please know that there will always be an end to this saga. “Drink. Drive Go to Jail.” is NOT the law. “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” is NOT the law. Know that many good people have been where you are. If you are looking for an experienced DWI attorney near you, know that Mimi Coffey handles most of Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and surrounding areas. DON’T WAIT! Please call us at 817-831-3100 or request a FREE DWI consultation to schedule an appointment to speak to one of our Top Rated DWI Attorneys near you.)

Our #1 Goal is No Criminal Record & No DWI Probation


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Did you know?

You can still be charged if you are under .08 despite this being the legal amount?
You can be charged for DWI based on prescription medication, marijuana, or other drugs?

Most large north Texas counties have magistrates on standby to get a warrant for blood if you refuse to give a sample of breath or blood? As a result, there is no such things as “No refusal weekend” any more.

You have a right to refuse to answer questions in a DWI? (However, you must still submit to handing over license, insurance and registration)

You have a right to refuse to perform the field sobriety tests. However, The U.S. Supreme Court does require you step out the vehicle.

The National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA)’s standardized field sobriety tests have been subject to scientific peer review criticism? (for eg. Dr. Spurgeon Cole study, Dr. Steve Rubenzer paper)

Texas law requires submission of a margin of error for all blood tests?

There are all kinds of scientific issues and concerns with proper breath and blood testing?

How do I find out if my drivers license is suspended or revoked?
You can go to the Texas DPS Website

You will need the following information:

Texas Drivers License Number
Date of Birth
Last 4 Digits of your Social Security Number

The punishment range for a DWI in North Texas

1st DWI: Class B Misdemeanor, 3 – 180 Days, up to $2,000 fine
2nd DWI: Class A Misdemeanor, 30 Days – 1 Year, up to $4,000 fine
3rd DWI: 3rd Degree Felony, 2 – 10 Years, up to $10,000 fine
DWI w/Child Under 15: State Jail Felony, 6 Months – 2 Years, up to $10,000 fine
** If you get charged with a DWI with a B.A.C. of over .15 you will automatically be charged with a Class A Misdemeanor**

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