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– Mimi Coffey, DWI Defense Attorney.

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Mimi Coffey’s Resources for Kaufman County Criminal Cases

Can a DWI ruin your life forever?

A DWI can certainly have an impact on immigration status/deportation, your driver’s license, a commercial driver’s license, and the ability to teach driver’s education to your child, just to name a few repercussions. A conviction will cost you in insurance and can cause job loss depending on the type of job or industry. It certainly affects how people can view your character and reputation. Like most things in life, the extent of a DWI’s effects are fact and person specific. It is our job to do everything we can to help you avoid a DWI conviction.

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Driver’s License & DPS Resources

Driver’s License Status – Go here to see if your license has a pending or active suspension

Driver’s License Record – Go here to order a copy of your driving record

Texas Failure to Appear / Failure to Pay – (search for outstanding tickets)

SFST manuals from NHTSA

Classes, Counseling & Probation Resources

Kaufman County Adult Probation (CSCD)

SmartStart – If you need to have interlock installed as part of bond or probation, contact us first as we have some resources that can save you some money.

MADD Victim Impact Panel – This is one of three classes we recommend our client’s take. It helps us when negotiating with the District Attorney attached to your case.

Singer Therapeutic – Heather Singer – Resource that provides DWI Education course and Substance Abuse Evaluation (SAE).

Recovery Resource Council – Resource that provides DWI Education course and Substance Abuse Evaluation (SAE).

Center for Therapeutic Change – Resource that provides DWI Education course and Substance Abuse Evaluation (SAE).

Alcoholics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous

State and Federal Statutes and Codes

US Code

United States Supreme Court

Texas Penal Code – §49 of the Penal Code is the main section for DWI related offenses.

Transportation Code – contains most regulations regarding traffic tickets and DPS

Texas Code of Criminal Procedure

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