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DWI conviction

Criminal Defense Attorneys Blog

Forgive Yourself

The STRENGTH of George Washington "Hard times don't create heroes. It is during the hard times when the "hero" within us is revealed." Bob Riley The Father of our Country, George Washington, is revered for his leadership, stoicism, and wisdom. It is inspiring to focus on his strength in times of trouble. Before the battle of Trenton in 1776, Washington experienced a seemingly insurmountable low. In just three months, the…
March 18, 2020
Criminal Defense Attorneys Blog

The New Fake Deferred Adjudication DWI Law

The New Fake Deferred Adjudication DWI Law Warning Don’t let The New Fake Deferred Adjudication DWI Law bill fool you. The uninformed may choose to get a fake dismissal not knowing it is fake. Mimi will analyze your DWI case during a full case evaluation and review all options to determine the best course of action. What is it? Before Sept. 1, 2019 there was no such thing as deferred…
September 5, 2019
Criminal Defense Attorneys Blog

Three Ways A DWI Can Negatively Affect You

One of my favorite lines is "I don't trust anyone who has not had a DWI". Truthfully, my clients are among my favorite people. They are social, resourceful and gregarious. Most drinking in a DWI scenario involves socializing with other people. The Barbara Streisand line, "People who need people, are the luckiest people in the world" is so true. It is important for prosecutors, judges, and jurors to understand the…
June 24, 2019
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