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Criminal Defense Attorneys Blog

Miracles Do Happen: Clearing Our Client’s Background

Going above & beyond! So proud of Coffey Firm attorney Geoffrey Reynolds who proved that miracles do happen! Years ago a law enforcement government employee accidentally inverted a digit and made it look like our client had a prior DWI that belonged to someone else. We were told it would take an expunction (fees & a legal process) to clear this up when it was not our client’s fault. Geoff…
December 16, 2020
Criminal Defense Attorneys Blog

Texas Expunctions & “Criminal Episodes”

Expunction Getting an expunction in Texas is a way for people to legally eliminate information about their criminal records, including arrests. Obtaining an Expunction can be difficult. They become much more complex if you face multiple charges. To obtain an expunction, there are certain requirements that you must meet. However, you may be ineligible on a charge depending on the circumstances surrounding your arrest. If you are looking for an…
June 11, 2020
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