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Criminal Defense Attorneys Blog

Pretrial Torture: “I Feel Like I’m Already on Probation!”

*WARNING* BOND VIOLATIONS CAN HURT A CASE. WE DO THE BEST WE CAN TO ADDRESS ANY VIOLATIONS. According to the United States and Texas Constitutions, the law presumes a person innocent until proven guilty. That presumption applies at every stage of a case, even at the arrest stage! In many cases, the worst part of a Texas DWI charge is the "pretrial torture" of oppressive bond conditions. Bond conditions in…
August 20, 2020
Criminal Defense Attorneys Blog

DWI Interlock Devices and Exceptions

Hate having an interlock? Want to get it off? Courts may, and sometimes must, require you to install an interlock in your car. This device, in simple terms, is a breathalyzer that you must use to start you car. Some interlocks will also take a picture when you blow into it to make sure it is you (or a technician). If someone else blows for you, you may be at…
May 29, 2020
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